An earlier reply gave you the condition logic you are looking for.

This part you got figured out.
<cfquery name=firstLet....>

<cfset listofexistingletters = valuelist(firstlet.firstlettercolumn)>
VALUELIST(query.column) is a function that will take one column of your
query and turn it into a list like this. {A,B,D,E,M,N,P,Q,R,X,Y,Z}

Now in your output of the alphabet you can check each letters existence in
the above list.

<cfloop from=a to=z index=i>
(this is sudocode you will have to either use another list or use the ASCII

        <cfif listcontains(listofexistingletters,i)>
        this will return a non-zero value or true if the current letter (i)
is in the list stored in (listofexistingletters).
                do the anchor stuff if true
                do the plain text if false


Ian Skinner
Web Programmer
Sacramento, CA

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2003 12:07 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Okay, what's the first part of those alphabetical
navigation strips?

on 8/29/03 2:21 PM, Jerry Johnson at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> You're in luck.
> Someone else has already assembled the letters in a nice, convenient order
> you.
> You can use the ASCII table to get the alphabet.
> If you just want the letters A-Z, you can grab the ascii characters
between 65
> and 90
> You can then use the chr() built in function to turn a number (like 65)
> an ASCII letter (like "A")
> For example:
> <cfloop index="i" from="65" to="90" step="1">
>    <cfset letter=chr(i)>
>    <cfoutput>#letter#</cfoutput>
> </cfloop>
> Jerry Johnson

Okay, I've got almost ALL the parts in place. But there's ONE LAST part that
I'm having trouble with. It's the expression to check for the existance of
an entry. 

Of course the easiest way would be to just pass the first letter of each
letter in the alphabet, and on the following page simply check recordcount
to see if there are any entries corresponding to that letter.

That seems like the wussy way out. I'd rather have it be clean, so what I'd
LIKE to do is somehow loop over that list, and compare each row of the query
object for the existance of an entry, but darnit, it's just plain escaping
me how to do this.


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