I doubt anyone has enough experience with the product to give you an intelligent
answer at this point.  But if Macromedia's response to users' wishes is anything
like their response with CFMX version 6.1, I think you will be very pleased with
the result.

My comment is to make an effort to attend one of the presentations on Wednesday
September 3 via the Macromedia Worldwide User Group meeting via Macromedia
Breeze.   http://www.macromedia.com
there will be time at the end of the 90 minute presentation for Q&A and they
will be anxious to answer all your questions, "From the horses mouth" so to
You just might be able to win a full retail copy of StudioMX 2004 Professional
(Value $999.00) that will be raffled at each meeting.

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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sparrow-Hood, Walter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2003 9:43 AM
Subject: Flash Professional vs. Royale

| Anybody care to comment or have any information the new developer related
| functionality in Flash Professional vs. what's been promised/hinted re:
| Royale.  Has Rolyale morphed into FlashPro?  Is FlashPro a hint of what's to
| come?  My real concern/question is do I spend the money and time to learn
| FlashPro if something with even more capability for RIA is coming along
| before the end of the year?
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