>Hmmm.  Good question.  No clue as to the answer (althought I suspect
>it's the len of all submitted form fields), but you should be able to
>test the theory rather easily.

Verified. CGI.CONTENT_LENGTH = the sum of all info submitted including text fields, 
hidden fields and file fields.

>You can set a cgi.content_length limit to anything you want.  Put a
>value in application.cfm or somesuch and call it on the form instead of
>a hardcoded value.

But if, for example, I have <cfif val(cgi.content_length) gt 
#request.numberInAppDotCFM#> and I select a 100MB file and click SUBMIT, CF will 
upload to temp memory the 100MB file, THEN parse the script and notice there is a 
limit < 100MB THEN tell me the file is too big. Is there a way to have CF just stop in 
a limit? Do file uploads behave the way I describe?

- mga
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