Assuming this is a win32 environment?

kill.exe or pskill.exe are you're friends - if you don't have kill.exe from I think 
the nt4.0 optionkit, the psutils from should be your bestest 
friends ever - and they're free! stop IIS/Apache and stop CF then kill the processes 
with the exes, delete the LDB file, rename the original.mdb file and restart the 
services. upload your access database. Batchfiles are you're friend.

that'll get through 95% of issues causing ldb locks. the other 5% generally require a 
restart of the server.

Moral of the story is use SQL :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Les Mizzell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 4 September 2003 1:35 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Extremely Persistant Access "ldb" Lock File

This one has got a client almost in tears.

There's a large Access file which a client needs to update twice a day 
by ftp'ing a new version in (Hey, I tried to convince them to use 
SQL...).  Problem is, there's a persistent "ldb" on the database that 
almost NOTHING can seem to make go away.  So, when time comes to ftp a 
new database, they can't - the file is locked - for hours and hours at a 
time, even if nobody is accessing the site and using the database.

Evening putting one of my "breakconnection.cfm" files out there that 
purposely errors to break the connection won't kill it. 

They've got the "timeout" set in the CF Admin to 1 minute.



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