|| I need to prepare an exisiting site to take a multilingual user || interface (up to 5 languages in the end). It is mostly small user || interface || elements, the main body of is already prepared to take multilingual || content. | | how will you determine user's locale? dates, numeric/currency | formatting? | bidi? non-gregorian calendars? what locales will you support? any of | these | not official cf locales? etc....
Either by a URL flag, or which domain they enter from (same app on several domains, one for each language). Also remember locale != language. || * Put all the text in the database, one entry for each element. | | how will you pull the data out, per locale? || * Read the query into the Application scope, and convert it to a || struct (faster to query... ? Or QoQ?) One structure of structures. || * Make sure that struct is cached (in the App scope) some two days || and not || reloaded every time | | or use a file based (per locale) resourceBundle. unless you're | dealing with | huge globs of text file based resourceBundles are pretty quick. And being reloaded per each request... ? Doesn't sound too effective to me. And I want all text to be editable through an administration interface. That would be easier in the database. || I am on CF5, put CFMX is on the horizon (not too close though). | | i'd just wait to go to mx (redsky) before bothering to make your app | i18n. | you really want to start out and stay with unicode, rather than code | page | encoding & then swapping to unicode somewhere down the road. plus you | get | more "official" locales (not enough but more than cf5), cfc, xml | support, | etc. I am not worrying to much about the CF locales, it is the languages I am after at this stage. And waiting for CFMX is not an option. And is there something missing in the CF5, in regards to unicode? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Archives: http://www.houseoffusion.com/lists.cfm?link=t:4 Subscription: http://www.houseoffusion.com/lists.cfm?link=s:4 Unsubscribe: http://www.houseoffusion.com/cf_lists/unsubscribe.cfm?user=89.70.4 Get the mailserver that powers this list at http://www.coolfusion.com