Cool thanks - thanks a nice solution.

If possible I'd like to do it without com, not being picky, I just run my
code on more than one server (and more than one OS) :o)

On 9/9/03 22:47, "Jeff Garza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If this is on a Windows box, you could always use the FileSystemObject
> to access the Drives and Folders collections...
> fs = CreateObject("COM", "Scripting.FileSystemObject");
> Windows = fs.GetFolder("c:\windows");
> WindowsSize = Windows.size;
> <CFOUTPUT>#WindowsSize# bytes</CFOUTPUT>
> Works like a dandy for me... I'm sure there are ways to get this using
> Java, but FSO is sooooo damn fast on Windows that it's a great option to
> use.
> HTH,
> Jeff Garza
> Manager, Phoenix CFUG
> Certified ColdFusion MX Developer
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ryan Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2003 2:28 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Size of a directory
> Hello
> I'm trying to get the size of a directory including all subdirectories
> included... Im on CFMX
> Cfdirectory only returns the size of whats in the directory excluding
> folders...
> Is there a UDF or tag to do this?
> Ryan

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