I've got a shopping cart on a few sites where my original code passes the 
order number on the URL.

Now, my system checks to see if an Order Number is passed on the URL, and 
if so, checks
to see if it's older than 30 minutes old... if it is, I present a message 
saying it's expired.....

In the three years this has been used, I've never gotten a complaint from a 
client or shopper
about the time frame.

My problem is this - someone claims they entered the site with a link that 
had someone
else's order number in the URL and that they were able to see that person's 
personal information
and this INCLUDED their credit card info!!   Now, first, this can only 
happen if it's within that 30
minute period but JEEZE LOUISE I can never afford to allow that to happen.

Now, I have NO idea how they got that link with that order number, and 
rather than attempting to
figure THAT out, I want to eliminate the Order Number from the URL.

The problem is it's in a couple hundred locations on the site.

I've read a bunch about session variables, UUIDs, and such, but I'm 
floundering here trying to figure
out how to tap into a UUID process that's generated native to Cold Fusion, 
rather than me
creating the Unique order number by a date/time scramble, then placing that 
into a cookie
THEN replacing the massive number of references on the site in some less 
than excruciatingly tedious
and time consuming way... especially when I factor in multiple sites!

Suggestions on best practices here?  

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