You still need the 'MAX(ab.Bid_Amount)' in the SELECT part of the query.

The HAVING clause does a secondary filter on this

Michael Traher 
Systems Manager
ICLP (London)
Tel: UK +44 (0) 20 8256 9072
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-----Original Message-----
From: grovem [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 10 September 2003 15:16
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: SQL Query Help (I'm stuck again)

Using the following code, I get

<cfquery name="Auction_GetAuctions" datasource="#DatasourceName#"
SELECT ai.Product_ID, ai.Status
FROM Auction_Items ai, Auction_Bids ab
WHERE ai.Status = 'ACTIVE'
AND ai.date_EndDate < #createODBCDate(now())#
AND ai.Product_ID = ab.Product_ID
GROUP BY ai.Product_ID, ai.Status
HAVING ai.Reserve_Price > MAX(ab.Bid_Amount)

<p>Non-Sale Report</p>
<cfoutput query="Auction_GetAuctions">
#Product_ID# #status#<br>

ODBC Error Code = 37000 (Syntax error or access violation)

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] You tried to execute a query
that does not include the specified expression
'ai.Reserve_Price>MAX(ab.Bid_Amount)' as part of an aggregate function.

I think we are close, but still having problems.

Original Message:
>From: "Pascal Peters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: SQL Query Help (I'm stuck again)
>Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 08:36:33 +0200

>this should work
>SELECT ai.Product_ID, ai.Status
>FROM Auction_Items ai, Auction_Bids ab
>WHERE ai.Status = 'ACTIVE'
>AND ai.date_EndDate < #createODBCDate(now())#
>AND ai.Product_ID = ab.Product_ID
>GROUP BY ai.Product_ID, ai.Status
>HAVING ai.Reserve_Price > MAX(ab.Bid_Amount)
>       -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- 
>       Van: Michael C.Grove [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>       Verzonden: wo 10/09/2003 7:26 
>       Aan: CF-Talk 
>       CC: 
>       Onderwerp: SQL Query Help (I'm stuck again)
>       SAMPLE 2
>       UPDATE Auction_Items
>       SET Status = 'CLOSED'
>       WHERE EXISTS            (SELECT ai.Product_ID, ai.Status
>       FROM Auction_Items ai, Auction_Bids ab
>       WHERE ai.Status = 'ACTIVE'
>       AND ai.date_EndDate < #createODBCDate(now())#
>       AND ai.Product_ID = ab.Product_ID
>       AND ai.Reserve_Price > ab.Bid_Amount
>       GROUP BY ai.Product_ID, ai.Status);


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