I have an acrobat file 900K which I want to automatically start a download
to a client machine when a person clicks a link.  Through v6.0 of CFMX, the
code listed below worked great for both IE 6 and NS6 & 7.  Now, it seems
like since I've upgrade to CFMX 6.1 on the server, the file downloaded is 0
bytes in size, and acrobat throws an error.
I've checked and rechecked the pdf, and testing by ftp-ing it back and forth
between the server and a couple of client machines, I get the full 900k
document and can open the pdf ok.  I saw something in the docs about changes
in 6.1 in <cfsetting enablecfoutput>, but changing that didn't solve the



<cfset VARIABLES.FilePath = "c:\inetpub\mysite\myfolder\_files\">
<cfset VARIABLES.FileName = "AGoodRead.pdf">
<cfset VARIABLES.FileType = "unknown">
<cfset VARIABLES.headervalue = "attachment">
<cfset VARIABLES.BadType  = "-#FileType#-"> <!--- Make an Invalid Mime Type
<cfsetting EnableCFOutputOnly="yes">
<cfif ReFind("MSIE",cgi.HTTP_USER_AGENT)>
        <cfheader name="Content-type" value="#VARIABLES.BadType#">
        <cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="#VARIABLES.headervalue#;
        <cfcontent type="#VARIABLES.BadType#"
        <cfheader name="Content-type" value="#VARIABLES.FileType#">
        <cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="#VARIABLES.headervalue#;
        <cfcontent type="#VARIABLES.FileType#"
<cfsetting EnableCFOutputOnly="no">     


Thanks, Mark 

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