I'm trying to acclimatize to dreamweaver and I'm having a
problem with it... Frequently when I click on the +/- icon
to expand or colapse a folder it doesn't seem to take or
there's a noticeable pause between when I click the icon and
when it expands or colapses. Moreover, nearly every time I
expand a folder, it also expands any other folder I've
opened during the session, so, for instance, if I expand
/ontap/_components/_customtags/dba and then I colapse
/ontap/_components and click to expand /_ontap/docs it then
re-expands /ontap/_components/_customtags/dba even though I
haven't asked for it to be expanded. This makes it rather
difficult to work with the file tree... Has anyone else
experienced this or know what causes it?

s. isaac dealey                972-490-6624

team macromedia volunteer

chief architect, tapestry cms  http://products.turnkey.to

onTap is open source           http://www.turnkey.to/ontap

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