Here's a quick stab at the problem:

If you wanted to know what events where being held at a specific venue, you could 
write a method in the venue object that would return event objects at that venue.  If 
you wanted to know what events were being held for a particular venue at a particular 
time, you'd create another method that would take a timeslot object and then give back 
a bunch of event objects.

You'd then iterate through the events, and then get their timeslot object.

The timeslot object could be somewhat trickier.  You could make a base timeslot class, 
and derive timeslot classes for each time that you'd mentioned.  But I'm actually not 
sure how "correct" this approach would be.

For insertion, you could create:

event.add(object venue, object timeslot);

venue.add(object event, object timeslot);

But if I were you, I'd wait for Sean Corfield to pipe up :)

----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, September 18, 2003 2:35 pm
Subject: RE: OO modeling Hell

> I think I misrepresented my problem.
> The objects are "virtual" - they have no database access themselves
> (this is handled, as you suggest, by separate implementation classes,
> which handle all persistent data access).
> The problem I'm having is that in the procedural world I'm coming 
> from I
> would have a big run which returned, for example, all the events 
> takingplace at a Venue.
> In the object world, after all this stuff has been instantiated and
> cached, I'm having trouble connecting the objects together.  In this
> specific case an Event can have several TimeSlots each at its own 
> Venue,a Venue can have many events and a Timeslot can have many 
> Events.
> In use all of this information will actually be stored as cached 
> objectsin memory - there will be no DB calls.  This is possible 
> because of the
> (relatively) small size of the total dataset (about 200 events at some
> 70 venues) and should increase performance significantly.
> My old version of the system simple loaded all of the data into
> persistent (application scoped) queries and the application pulled it
> from there using QofQ.
> Thinking in objects I'm not sure how to translate that...
> Am I confusing everybody else as much as I am myself?  ;^)
> Jim Davis
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Shawn Grover [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 3:56 PM
> > To: CF-Talk
> > Subject: RE: OO modeling Hell
> > 
> > I think you are on the right track but missed the business rules end
> of
> > OO.
> > 
> > I would do the same as you - create objects for dealing with my
> underlying
> > tables.  I call these objects "data access components", and normally
> store
> > them in a different folder called data.  Now, you have the concept
> that an
> > event, venue, and a time slot are related.  This is a business rule.
> In
> > this case, I create another object that will implement the business
> rules.
> > In your case, I might call the new object an Event object, but store
> it in
> > a
> > different folder or name it differently so that I know it is NOT a
> data
> > access component.  This object would then do any application 
> specific> validation, and processing.  The tough part with this is 
> that you have
> to
> > make a choice where your transactions take place - in the 
> database, or
> in
> > CF
> > (or whatever language you're using).  If you opt for placing the
> > transactions in the database (I'd recommend this where 
> possible), then
> the
> > call to the stored proc should happen within one of your data access
> > components - the business rule component should not be dealing
> directly
> > with
> > the database, that is not it's role.
> > 
> > Conceptually, you might end up with something like this:
> > 
> > EVENT Rules
> >   - Data Access Components
> >       - Event data access component
> >       - Venue data access component
> >       - Timeslot data access component
> >       - Specialized data access component (if needed).
> >   - Business functions
> >       - Save Event (-which might call individual functions on the
> member
> > data components)
> > 
> > Not sure if this is entirely clear, but hopefully it get's you 
> movingin
> > the
> > right direction...
> > 
> > Shawn
> > 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Jim Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 1:14 PM
> > To: CF-Talk
> > Subject: OO modeling Hell
> > 
> > 
> > Sorry - thismay be semi-off topic (but then again it may be semi-on
> > topic - possibly even flat-out on topic!)
> > 
> > I'm working on modeling an existing procedural system (first 
> built in
> CF
> > 4) to CFMX and want to implement "correctly" (as possible) in an
> > framework.
> > 
> > I'm doing the static model now and have run into a conceptual 
> problem.> Hoping for some opinions.
> > 
> > The system is an event planner for a large, single-day festival.
> > Stripping it down to the problem domain we have a database model 
> with> three tables:
> > 
> > 1) "Events": All the events taking place.
> > 
> > 2) "Venue": All the locations that events can take place at.
> > 
> > 3) "TimeSlots": All of the tied begin/end times for events.  For
> example
> > "10:00-14:00", "10:00-11:00", "13:00-15:00", etc
> > 
> > In the DB this works well.  "Events" and "TimeSlots" are joined with
> > "EventsToTimeSlots" (many to many).  You can then query easily based
> on
> > start-time, end-time, or duration.  "EventsToTimeSlots" also 
> links to
> > "Venues".  This allows an event to occur at any time and each 
> time to
> be
> > located at a distinct venue.
> > 
> > So we may have a dance troupe appearing at 8pm-10pm at the Boston
> Ballet
> > bulding, then from 11pm-midnight at Boston Common.
> > 
> > When converting this to an object model I naturally began by
> considering
> > "Event", "Venue" and "TimeSlot" as objects.  (Right?)  My issue 
> is how
> > to deal with the three-part join.
> > 
> > I have, for example, an array in each TimeSlot object containing a
> > references to all the events taking place.  I can then loop through
> all
> > the timeslots and collect all the events taking place at any 
> time or
> of
> > a certain duration.  Sorting this kind of return may be a 
> problem, but
> > not (I think) big one.
> > 
> > I can also have an array of references in each Venue object to 
> events> taking place there.  Lastly (I'm guessing) can have a two-
> dimensional> array of TimeSlot and Venue references in each Event 
> linking each
> > timeslot to a venue.
> > 
> > Is this the best way to do this?
> > 
> > Should I instead some "sub object" that directly represents my join
> > table that contains a reference to an Event, TimeSlot and Venue?
> Maybe
> > called "Schedule" or something?
> > 
> > Or should each TimeSlot object contain a single reference to an 
> Event> and Venue and just have a lot of duplicate 
> StartTime/EndTimes?  (I
> don't
> > think I would as it would be more difficult to present the 
> details of
> a
> > single event.)
> > 
> > Does this whole "Timeslot" idea just not fit in OO as well as it 
> doesin
> > the relational system?
> > 
> > In the end the model I want should allow each event object to 
> quickly> get the venue and time for each performance (perhaps that 
> goes without
> > saying) but I also want to be able to easily list "All events at
> Venue",
> > "All events at TimeSlot" and "All events at StartTime/EndTime".
> > 
> > Thanks in adavance,
> > 
> > Jim Davis
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 

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