You could carry on the way you are and simply <cfset xlocator = listGetAt(session.crtcalid,Indexcount,"^")>
or change your loop to a list loop so that the index item will hold each xlocator item. or if you wish to use arrays then take a look at the listToArray() function. HTH Michael Traher -----Original Message----- From: laritru [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 18 September 2003 18:22 To: CF-Talk Subject: array help on a query insert loop <cfloop index="IndexCount" from="1" To="#ListLen(Session.Crtcalid, "^")#"> <cfoutput> <cfset xname = #ListGetAt(Session.Crtxname, IndexCount, "^")#> <cfset ProdQty = #ListGetAt(Session.CrtQuantity, IndexCount, "^")#> <cfset ProdCost = #ListGetAt(Session.CrtPrice, IndexCount, "^")# * #ListGetAt(Session.CrtQuantity, IndexCount, "^")#> </cfoutput> I need help writing an array to dump the values of this cart (session.crtcalid)so they can loop one at a time and insert in to my query. Can anyone help me with this? All help will be appreciated. As of now it tries to insert all the values at once for xlocator which is the firld that i am using to hold the event id. this is the error. ODBC Error Code = 22001 (String data right truncation)<P> [MERANT][ODBC Oracle 8 driver][Oracle 8]ORA-01401: inserted value too large for column <P><P> SQL = ""Insert Into registrar_data.event ( xstatus, xdate, xtime, xgroup$, xgroupdate, xgrouptime, xcreate, xupdate, xuser, rhas_note$, xlocator, xuniquekey, xorigin, xnumber ) Values ( 'E', to_date('18-Sep-03', 'DD-MON-YY'), '13:19:38', 'E', to_date('18-Sep-03', 'DD-MON-YY'), '13:19:38', to_date('18-Sep-03', 'DD-MON-YY'), to_date('18-Sep-03', 'DD-MON-YY'), 'WEB', '0', '0000002407^0000002394', 'W00000644', '01', 'W0000000644' )"" " here is what i am inseting to my db. <cfset rid="W" & numberformat(getrid.recurid + 1,"0000000000")> <CFQUERY Name = "AddOrder" Datasource = #application.dsn#> Insert Into registrar_data.event ( xstatus, xdate, xtime, xgroup$, xgroupdate, xgrouptime,xcreate,xupdate, xuser, rhas_note$,xlocator,xuniquekey,xorigin, xnumber ) Values ( 'E', to_date('#DateFormat(now(),"dd-mmm-yy")#', 'DD-MON-YY'), '#registertime#','E', to_date('#DateFormat(now(),"dd-mmm-yy")#', 'DD-MON-YY'), '#registertime#', to_date('#DateFormat(now(),"dd-mmm-yy")#', 'DD-MON-YY'), to_date('#DateFormat(now(),"dd-mmm-yy")#', 'DD-MON-YY'), 'WEB','0', #Session.Crtcalid#', '#CustomerIDNumber#', '01', '#rid#' ) </cfquery> </cfloop> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Message: Archives: Subscription: Unsubscribe: Get the mailserver that powers this list at