Hardly a "theat", as most people will be saavy enough to realise its a

-----Original Message-----
From: Doug White [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 19 September 2003 14:53
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: [ OT] Special security Alert!

There is  a new virus threat introduced to the internet yesterday, which
Symantec identifies as the [EMAIL PROTECTED]  worm.  Other anti-virus companies
have a slightly different name.

This worm invasion has the potential to spread much like the recent
and SoBig.f worm infections and cause greet inconvenience if not permanent
damage to your computer and the network it may be attached to.

Some of the infected emails may appear to be from Microsoft, and supposedly
containing updated patches, etc.  Remember that Microsoft never sends out
with executables attached.

The SAMCFUG mail server has already trapped 105 instances of this virus/worm
just overnight, and everyone using a windows operating system is urged to
your anti-virus definitions.  If you do not have an anti-virus program
running on your computer you may go to any of the following links and can
perform a free on-line virus scan in order to be safe.






Do you part to make sure your system is protected, and not infecting others.


Doug White

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