> > You may need to use cf_sql_datetime for oracle -- I know > > mssql server doesn't understand date or datetime, only > > timestamp...
It doesn't? I always use cf_sql_datetime for dates in SQL Server (I think) without problems. In fact it always seemed to me that the cfqueryparam datatypes were based on the SQL Server list -- and I theorized that that's what the _sql_ refers to . . . maybe not. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Message: http://www.houseoffusion.com/lists.cfm?link=i:4:137818 Archives: http://www.houseoffusion.com/lists.cfm?link=t:4 Subscription: http://www.houseoffusion.com/lists.cfm?link=s:4 Unsubscribe: http://www.houseoffusion.com/cf_lists/unsubscribe.cfm?user=89.70.4 Your ad could be here. Monies from ads go to support these lists and provide more resources for the community. http://www.fusionauthority.com/ads.cfm