Oddly it seems that I am getting all the records but at the end there is
what seems to be a blank email address. When I cfoutput the results it
outputs the text [empty string] at the end. Seems that should be impossible
with the LIKE email ='[EMAIL PROTECTED]' in the query . The query is ordered by email 
I see this entry at the very end. I am disturbed that a blank email is being
included in the query, but also disturbed that CF seems to be outputting the
text [empty string] when it should just be blank!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Matt Robertson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 10:13 AM
Subject: RE: CFMAIL TO param problems with large queries

> Wrap your cfmail statement in a recordcount test
> <cfif sendnewsletter.recortcount lt 1>
>    uh oh<cfabort>
> <cfelse>
>    <cfoutput>#sendnewsletter.email#<cfoutput><cfabort>
> </cfif>
> The first block will isolate whether you have a problem with your query
> syntax.  The second will output the email address, if one is being
> returned, so you can debug the thing.  The cfaborts will keep the output
> down to size for now.
> You may also want to output the primary key value so you know which
> record is causing the problem.
> Hope this helps,
> --------------------------------------------
>  Matt Robertson       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  MSB Designs, Inc.  http://mysecretbase.com
> --------------------------------------------
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