here are some of the articles & tutorials from the coldfusion section,
sure is a lot of the things that go round & round on here

Exploring the cflock Tag

A look at the cflock tag and it's attributes.

Unicode and International Character Sets in ColdFusion MX: Part 2

Manipulating Images with Jimg (Part 2)
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Creating a photo gallery using Jimg, the ColdFusion component from DRK 4.

Page Based Dynamic Images in an Included File: Method 2
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Dynamically inserting images into an included file based on the page being


SB that sends the results of any form to an address of your choosing.

Creating a custom CF log In application

Creating a custom log in application

Manipulating Images with Jimg (Part 1)
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How to manipulate images on the server using Jimg, the ColdFusion CFC from
DRK 4.

Upload An Image and Insert Its Name Into The Database

Uploading an image and inserting it's name into the database

Eliminating Extra White Space in Your HTML
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Typically, ColdFusion-generated HTML code has plenty of extra white space.
It's easy to get rid of this extra white space. Here's how.

Masks in ColdFusion (Part 2): Formatting Times
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How to use ColdFusion's numeric masks.

CMX Email Any Form

Submit any form to a page you apply this server behavior to.

Using with ColdFusionMX

How to use as a payment gateway on your ColdFusion site.

Porting Pollster to SQL Server
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How to modify the Pollster application from DRK 4 to run on SQL Server.

Masks in ColdFusion (Part 1): Dates and Times
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Using ColdFusion Locales
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ColdFusion MX has done a lot to make internationalized applications easier
to build. Aside from it's built-in Unicode support, ColdFusion MX supports
the use of Locales to make it easy to generate the output of dates, times
and other data in a language and culturally-appropriate fashion. This
quick tutorial shows you how to use these locales in your applications.

Unicode and International Character Sets in Coldfusion MX: Part 1
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ColdFusion MX is fully Unicode compliant but making everything work
properly for international character sets form the browser through to the
back end database requires a firm understanding of Unicode and how to use
it in ColdFusion MX.

Email a Forgotten Password in ColdFusion

Learn how to email a user's forgotten password to them automatically.

Page Based Dynamic Images in an Included File: Method 1
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Dynamically inserting images into an included file based on the page being

High Volume Mail without CFMAIL, Part 3: Handling Bad Addresses and
Bounced Messages
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This is the third and final part of a series of articles on using outside
Perl scripts to manage the delivery of mail to large lists from
ColdFusion. This article addresses how to handle incorrectly formed
addresses, banned users and bounced messages.

ColdFusion MX: The Red Sky Upgrade
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ColdFusion MX 6.1 updater (code named Red Sky) was released today and
offers much more than simple bug fixes. The release can be considered a
true upgrade. The best part of the upgrade is that it's free.

CMX CF Image Popup

This server behavior will open a popup window containing a picture from
your database, when a particular record is selected on the page.

High Volume Mail without CFMAIL, Part 2: Sending Personalized Messages to
a Mailing List
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This is the second in a three-part series showing how you can use Perl to
bypass limitations in CFMAIL for sending mailings to big lists. This
installment shows how to personalize messages sent to the list.

CF Administrator: Debugging Settings
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First in a series of articles on the ColdFusion Administrator. This
article will explore the debugging options in the administrator and what
they mean.

High Volume Mail without CFMAIL, Part 1: Sending a Message to a Big List
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ColdFusion's CFMAIL is less than adequate for high-volume purposes. This
tutorial shows how to implement your high-volume mail system on Unix-based
ColdFusion servers.

Using a ColdFusion Custom Tag as a Site Template Part 3
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ColdFusion custom tags allow you to build a flexible template for your
site that will feed every page on the site. Part 3 will show how to
incorporate a table layout or a div layout in setting up your template.

CMX CF Random Image

This is a Server Behavior for displaying a random image every time your
page is refreshed or revisited.

CF_CMXIMAGE: A Custom tag for image manipulation on the server

This custom tag allows users to manipulate image size and file format on
the server using ImageMagick.

Creating XML Documents with ColdFusion
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Generating xml documents from search results and writing to the hd for

Using a ColdFusion Custom Tag as a Site Template Part 2
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ColdFusion custom tags allow you to build a flexible template for your
site that will feed every page on the site.

On-the-Fly Image Manipulation with ColdFusion and ImageMagick

Image Magick is a set of command-line tools for image format conversion
and image manipulation (such as resizing). These tools can easily be used
from ColdFusion to manipulate images on the server. This article discusses
image resizing and format conversion.

Using a ColdFusion Custom Tag as a Site Template Part 1
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This article will address one use of a ColdFusion custom tag: building a
flexible template for your site that will feed every page on the site.

Enabling Session Variables in ColdFusion
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Setting up the Application.cfm page to enable session variables.

Preventing duplicate database entries in ColdFusion

Shows how to prevent the creation of duplicate database entries in ColdFusion

ColdFusion Row Colors

An extension for easily creating alternating row colors within a repeat

Populating a select list using cfdirectory
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In this tutorial we will learn how to grab the contents of an images
folder and use the dynamically created recordset to populate a select

Using CFDirectory to Get Multiple File Types
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Using CFdirectory and the built in Query of queries ability to pull
multiple file types from a given directory.

Emailing file attachments with ColdFusions cfmail and cfmailparam tags
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Learn how to allow your viewers to send you attachments when mailing you
from your site.

cf_label custom tag
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Handy dandy little custom tag to clean up your page code.

ColdFusion - CFML Basics (Part 3)
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Part three of the series covering the basic CFML tags.

Flash Remoting 101

Brief introduction and necessary requirements to getting Flash Remoting up
and running on your machine and your web/application server.

Using a database to display images dynamically
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Using a database to display images dynamically.

ColdFusion - CFML Basics (Part 2)
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Part 2 in a series that covers all the basic CFML tags. Providing an
explaination and examples for each tag.

Using the Google API from ColdFusion
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Learn how to Integrate Google search functionality in your own ColdFusion

Word Wacker Extension for Dreamweaver MX

This extension will take a user defined field from a ColdFusion query
(recordset) and "trim" it down to a user defined number of words. In
effect producing a snipet of the original. It also gives the user the
options of stripping HTML from the "snipet", as well as, maintaining line

CFFILE: Uploading files to your server with ColdFusion
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Learn how to set your forms to upload files from your hard drive to your

Defining a Site in DreamweaverMX - The Advanced Tab
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The Newbie Series: Defining a site in DreamweaverMX

Displaying Alternate Text if Recordset is Empty
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Display alternate text if a recorset is empty.

Simplify your documents with CFINCLUDES
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Explain how to simplify site documents and structure by using CFINCLUDES
for headers, footers, navigation and more.

Breathing New Life Into Custom Tags
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Some have signaled the death of Custom Tags with the release of ColdFusion
MX and CFC's. Not only are Custom Tags alive and well...they now can be
application specific. Learn how...

Adding a Horizontal Loop to DWMX's Repeat Region with ColdFusion

Display recordset results both horizontally and vertically.

Updating Multiple Records without CFGrid
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Creation and processing of a form that updates multiple records at once
without using CFGrid.

Consuming the CMX Web Service with ColdFusion
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Community MX publishes a web service which will allow other sites to
consume the content descriptions from Community MX. The combination of
Dreamweaver MX with ColdFusion MX makes it easy to consume this service.
This article shows you how.

Create/Email a tab-delimited text file from a web page
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Creating and then emailing a tab or comma-delimited text file from a web

Email the Contents of a Form Using ColdFusion
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Email the results of a form from your web page using ColdFusionMX.

Setting upload permissions
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How to set upload permissions on your local CFMX development server for
testing the transfer of images to your site via your browser.

Creating a Multi-Page Form
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Create a form that carries over several pages.

ColdFusion - CFML Basics (Part 1)
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Part 1 in a series that covers all the basic CFML tags. Providing an
explaination and examples for each tag.

Protecting Server Privacy During CF Errors
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How to prevent errors in your CF app from exposing too much information
about your server--whether the errors are from your mistakes or hackers
causing them at runtime

CFInsert & CFUpdate code reuse
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How to reu

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