As a suggestion, why don't you try the same portion of code on a
Coldfusion to
See if the error is Blue Dragon related or some other issue.


-----Original Message-----
From: Craig Dudley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 07 October 2003 12:56
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CFHTTP Posts with Bluedragon free

While I never usually use cfhttp, a particular client wishes to use
Bluedragon 3.0 free edition as a bridge for his internal system and our
web server, I'm formatting xml packets form his queries and posting to
our box, or trying to.

I simply cannot get CFHTTP to POST at all, GET's work fine but the
packets are far too big for a url.

Code as below...

<cfhttp url="" url" port="80" method="POST" timeout="15">
<cfhttpparam type="FORMFIELD" name="test"

This just returns "Failed to connect" with a HTTP staus code of 100
which is continue, this sounds to me as if BD is connecting with the web
server but not actually doing the post. I'm more or less sure status
code 100 is the web server basically saying "go on then, do your post".

Anyone use CFHTTP with BD? Ever got a POST to work? Am I missing a BD
specific attribute or something?

If this doesn't work I'm going to have to write some XML handling code
for Access97, and that's not going to be pretty. Unfortunatley the
client isn't going to stump up for CFMX of the more advanced version of
BD ( so I can use cfobject/java cfx's ), at least not yet.

Craig Dudley
Senior Developer
Netstep Corporate Communications Ltd
Direct Line: +44(0) 1422 319712
Phone: +44(0) 1422 200308
Fax: +44(0) 1422 200306

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