Thanks! will let you know how it goes. I have really been seeing the usefulness of using Java with CF lately.

>I reckon you'll be needing a Java CFX then.
>Seemed like a fun 5 minute project so here ya go.....
>import com.allaire.cfx.*;
>public class cfReadTxtFile implements CustomTag{
>   public void processRequest( Request request, Response response )
>throws Exception
>   {
>  if ( !request.attributeExists("filename") ||
>!request.attributeExists("variable") )
>  {
>     throw new Exception("Missing attributes, filename and variable are
>  }
>  String filename = request.getAttribute( "filename" );
>  String variable = request.getAttribute( "variable" );
>  String fileContent = "";
>     try {
>         BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new
>         String str;
>         while ((str = in.readLine()) != null) {
>             fileContent = fileContent + str +
>         }
>         in.close();
>     } catch (IOException e) {
>     }  
>  response.setVariable( variable, fileContent);
> }
>Call it like so...
><cfx_cfReadTxtFile filename="d:\sites\test\string.cfm" variable="test">
><cfdump var="#test#">
>Tested and works perfectly on CF5
>I'll mail you the source and the compiled CFX off list aswell.
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