Yes, I have seen this, if you make the message one big long line in between
the cfmail tags with html <br> to break the line, it should send as long as
it is not over 1000 characters... Many email servers will not receive
messages with a line longer than 1000 characters they either throw it out
all together or just deliver the first 1000 characters which I am having a
problem with.

Drew Harris

On 10/7/03 11:33, "Marc Lippman - Director, Information Technology"

> I'm trying to send a simple text message and getting very odd results.
> If I send a 1 line text message, it works fine.
> If I add a 2nd line of text, I do not receive the email.
> I have tried using HTML and / or text based, same odd results.
> I have sent more complex emails before with no problems.
> Do I need to manually put in a line-break perhaps?
> CF Logs it as going out fine, but it doesn't come to my mailbox.
> I can not figure out a pattern as to why, or why not this is happening.
> Has anyone run across this?
> I do not believe this has anything to do with connectivity issues, as if
> I just send a blank email,
> Or 1 line of text it goes though..
> Anyone run across this before?
> Thanks.
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