Thank you so much for your help.  I had assumed that there was something
wrong with my UDF coding.  Looks like it may well be a problem with the
values the UDF returns.


Mark W. Breneman
-Cold Fusion Developer
-Network Administrator
  Vivid Media

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark A. Kruger - CFG [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 4:47 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Ok, I give up UDF error


I can put TID=1 to 10 in there and it works as well (both encode and

(as query string)

Here's your specified input endocded and decoded

For me  - this works.  There must be something in that string you are
keeping from me (ha). output each character code
in the qencode function like this:

for(i=1;i lte strlen;i=i+1) {
                      tempstr = Asc(Mid(tempurlvars, i, 1));
                 newstr = newstr & Chr(tempstr + 3);
        //writeoutput("asci code IS : " & tempstr & " and new character
looks like " & chr(tempstr + 3) & "<br>");


Then take a look at the list of characters - see if anything pops out at
you (like invisible characters for example...

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark W. Breneman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 4:14 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Ok, I give up UDF error

  Good theory, but.

  See my last posting where I have included both the qencode and the
  qdecode function.  The qencode may indeed wrap through the ascii code
  table but, where I am running the left function the values have
  been decoded (de-shifted).  All I am trying to do is to get rid of the
  random number on the end.

  The values I am inputting is:
  Input                 Encoded                       Output
  TID=1                WLG%286G45 TID=1
  TID=2                WLG%286G5%3A         TID=2
  TID=3                WLG%286G63 TID=3
  TID=4                WLG%286G73              TID=4
  TID=5                WLG%286G84              TID=5
  TID=6                WLG%286G93 TID=6
  TID=7                WLG%286G%3A6         TID=7
  TID=8                WLG%286G%3B9         TID=8
  TID=9                WLG%286G%3C3         TID=9
  TID=10  WLG%286G437             TID=10

  #qencode('TID=1')# should return "WLG%286G45" then
  #qdecode('WLG%286G45')# should return the starting value of "TID=1".

  Mark W. Breneman
  -Cold Fusion Developer
  -Network Administrator
    Vivid Media

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Mark A. Kruger - CFG [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 3:50 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: RE: Ok, I give up UDF error

  Actually, I tried this function and it works fine for me.  What are
  passing into the function? what's the purpose?
  Here's a test that passes in cgi.query_string

  gives a cryptic strring as a return.

  Throws an error:

  Throws an error:

  If the string is less than 1 character long it throws an error.

  I can only assume that something is crazy about the value being passed
  IN to the function.

  This function appears to take items and shift the ascii character code
  value 3 to the left.  I'm guessing that the ascii
  character code in some cases is less than 3 causing some sort of end
  marker to be placed and thus befuddling your
  "len( )".
  I would do something like:

  if(tempStr LT 4)
      tempStr = tempStr + 254;

  Then your values would "wrap" through the ascii code table.


    -----Original Message-----
    From: Calvin Ward [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 3:16 PM
    To: CF-Talk
    Subject: Re: Ok, I give up UDF error

    What does this do for you?

    function qdecode(urlvars){
                var tempurlvars = URLDecode(urlvars);
                var strlen = len(tempurlvars);
                var tempstr = "";
                var i = 1;
                var newstr = "";
                for(i=1;i lte strlen;i=i+1) {
                            tempstr = Asc(Mid(tempurlvars, i, 1));
                            newstr = newstr & Chr(tempstr - 3);
       strReturn = 'Too Short:' & newstr & ':end';
       if (len(newstr)+1)
        strReturn = left(newstr,len(newstr)-1);

    - Calvin
      ----- Original Message -----
      From: Mark W. Breneman
      To: CF-Talk
      Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 3:52 PM
      Subject: RE: Ok, I give up UDF error

      Good question, but no, I have ran the output several times and
      all values none are blank.

      Mark W. Breneman
      -Cold Fusion Developer
      -Network Administrator
        Vivid Media

      -----Original Message-----
      From: Matthew Walker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
      Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 2:44 PM
      To: CF-Talk
      Subject: Re: Ok, I give up UDF error

      Is your input string empty?
        ----- Original Message -----
        From: Mark W. Breneman
        To: CF-Talk
        Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 8:37 AM
        Subject: Ok, I give up UDF error

        This seems so simple. All I want to do is to trim the last char
        return string.  I keep getting this error "Parameter 2 of
        which is now -1 must be a positive integer"

        If I hard code a value in the UDF works with out a problem.  But
        put in the len(newstr)-1  into the "left" function it seems to
        to 0.

        Can anyone help me out?


        function qdecode(urlvars){

                    var tempurlvars = URLDecode(urlvars);

                    var strlen = len(tempurlvars);

                    var tempstr = "";

                    var i = 1;

                    var newstr = "";

                    for(i=1;i lte strlen;i=i+1) {

                                tempstr = Asc(Mid(tempurlvars, i, 1));

                                newstr = newstr & Chr(tempstr - 3);


                    return left(newstr,len(newstr)-1);



        Mark W. Breneman

        -Cold Fusion Developer

        -Network Administrator

          Vivid Media






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