> We always done Coldfusion but despite the fact that he is not
> technical, he's certain that the project we are doing could be
> built faster in Zope. Despite that I've already made a case
> that Zope market is tiny, (try doing a job search on it) and
> that none of the dev team knows Python (yet). Does anyone have
> any pros / cons that are fact based that a case could be made
> either way?

Well, the obvious thing to say is that, no matter how easy or good it is,
you'll still have to learn it first. Zope is pretty nice, though, in that it
provides a useful framework for web applications.

> Has anyone here coded in Python? If so which is faster to code in?

I like Python, although I'm an amateur and mediocre Python programmer at
best. If you don't know either language, and have no background with
computers, I imagine that either language will be easy to learn and use -
Python is very suitable for learning programming, while CF is very suitable
for people with HTML authoring backgrounds. It's worth noting that Python is
a general-purpose scripting language, while CF is designed for one thing
only: web applications.

In the end, though, if your manager decides to go with Python/Zope, you'll
get to learn a new skill set on his dime, so there's a bright side to it.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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