I think for xhtml you should look to put the form outside the table. As for
the error, I doubt it is to do with the message attribute of your option

Forget about the html for a while and just output the query.

Try using <cfdump var="#yourQueryName#" /> to have a look at the query.


-----Original Message-----
From: Sam Fisher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 13 October 2003 16:38
To: CF-Talk
Subject: error: object expected

Hi everyone.  Thanks to Lee and Ian for helping me last time with "dynamic
menus."  I was able to get into the webmonkey tutorial Ian recommended and
also have absorbed Lee's technique for meshing HTML form elements with
cfinput tags.  THanks guys.  I am having another issue now.  I keep getting
a "java run-time error" on windows xp, and "error:object expected" on Win
2k.  I'm not sure if mixing the form elements of CFML and HTML has caused
the issue.  I don't think so actually because they work really well.  Here's
what I've got for that:

              <select name="country"><option value=""
selected>--Select--</option><CFOUTPUT query="Countries"><option
value="Country" message="Enter your country.">#Country#</option>

Perhaps I shouldn't put the message attribute in the tag.

The line where the error occurs is line 25 (char 2), which relates to a
<table> tag.  Can I put form elements inside of tables?  Perhaps this is an
IE thing?



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