> I understand the example grabs the TimeZone of User Browser to pass it
> to the server..... Doesnt the name(getClientTZ.cfm) itself imply that...

no you don't. it gets the timezone _offset_, not the timezone. the other
malarkey about timeZoneCFC, geoLocatorCFC, etc. is aimed at fixing that
offset in a timezone, then you can get DST, etc.

> The above is Not what i am trying to do..  similar though (without using
Client/Browser TimeZone).

there is no other way. locales (which you need to understand) are not equal
to timezones. i'm in GMT+7 (bangkok) but i use en_US locale. these obviously
aren't the same. en_US in fact might cover several timezones (if it actually
meant somebody just the US).

> My Point is Not everybody using CFMX knows how to leverage the Java
Classes to do something
> simple as using different Time Zone's regardless of Server Time...

there are CFCs, custom tags, etc that do this already.

> So i think this is should be implemented as a Core function of CFMX (i.e.
overload dateFormat())

there's a place for that kind of stuff.

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