Set an IFrame on your page, with a source pointing at the main processing
file.  So your page get's rendered, but then loads another page into the
The downside with this is that if the page is long running, and the user
closes their browser or navigates off the page, the processing won't get
completed properly.

Failing that, you can use CFFlush to push the current client side elements
to the browser, but continue server side processing.


-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Baker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2003 1:10 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: How to deliver up the page and continuing processing?

How do you (can you) make a CFM template deliver up the current Web page
(template) then move on to process other info, e.g., update DB, sends some
emails, etc? This is not parallel processing. More like finish and deliver
up the current page then proceed on to another template. In this case the
info the Web page visitors will be served up is not dependent on completion
of all process. Some of the follow on processing could get delayed, and we
want to avoid delaying viewing by the user.

I know -- a question like this often solicits a ton of responses such as
that shouldn't be a concern with good programming, on a good server, etc.
Please spare me that lecture :-)




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