> I'm kinda desperate, I have a fast approaching deadline and
> all of sudden ANY and ALL webservices on my server do not
> work and all return this error when I try to call them! They
> worked yesterday and nothing was done on the server. What
> could this mean? The WSDL file is here
> <http://dev.logiforms.com/lfcomponents/lfbridge/logiBridgetest
> .cfc?wsdl.>http://dev.logiforms.com/lfcomponents/lfbridge/
> logiBridgetest.cfc?wsdl and is apparently malformed...

When I go to that URL with a browser, I get an HTTP Basic Authentication
prompt. If you want someone to examine the WSDL to see if it is, in fact,
malformed, you'll have to deactivate authentication. Of course, perhaps the
authentication is the problem.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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