><cfoutput query="rsFinancialBenefitList">
><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
><td><strong class="12ptTextBlack"><a
>href=""> >MP_Page)#&pg=12&benefit=#rsFinancialBenefitList.BenefitCode#&ben=5"><font
><span class="12ptTextBlack">#rsFinancialBenefitList.Teaser#</span></td>
><td height="1"><img src="" width="1" height="2"></td>
Have you tried copying #GetTemplateData.Template# to a temp var before the
CFOUTPUT, then using that var instead? Would rule out any weirdness between
the loop and the reference to the GetTemplateData query. Also, double-check
that GetTemplateData only has one record maybe? And possibly be more
specific in the reference, e.g. #GetTemplateData['Template'][1]# ?
Kind of grasping at straws, but nothing strikes me straight away...
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