ty Matthew

> It's actually pretty easy. XML is just text. Create a variable with your
> XML, then use cffile to write it. Something like:
> <cfdirectory action="" directory="qwerty" name="myPix">
> <cfsavecontent variable="myXml"><?xml version="1.0"
> encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
>             <Slides>
>                         <cfoutput query="myPix">
>                                     <slideNode
> jpegURL="asdfg">zxcvb</slideNode>
>                         </cfoutput>
>             </Slides>
> </cfsavecontent>
> <cffile action="" file="uiop" output="#myXml#" addnewline="Yes">
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Friday, 17 October 2003 9:53 a.m.
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: query to outout an xml file
> i know nothing about xml so any help would be appriciated
> im making a slideshow in flash that draws the images out of a folder and
> is read by an xml file to import them into flash
> flash needs to read the xml file which i just have as slides.xml
> the xml looks like this
> <Slides>
>   <slideNode jpegURL="images/image1.jpg">Picture
> Description.</slideNode> <slideNode
> jpegURL="images/image2.jpg">Picture Description.</slideNode>
> <slideNode jpegURL="images/image3.jpg">Picture
> Description.</slideNode> <slideNode
> jpegURL="images/image4.jpg">Picture Description.</slideNode>
> <slideNode jpegURL="images/image5.jpg">Picture Description</slideNode>
> </Slides>
> but what i would like to do is have this xml file made dynamic so I can
> upload images via coldfusion and then do a db query to get the xml file
> so i dont have to manually update it everytime a pic is added. But the
> file needs to be an xml file & not a cfm file, so how in the heck do i
> do that?
> ty:)
>   _____
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