The dataset is fairly small .. I doubt it would be over a few hundred records for awhile .. and in a few years maybe up to 2000, so I don't think it will be a huge ordeal.

Thanks in advance, I will give it a try!

Paul Giesenhagen

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Jochem van Dieten
  To: CF-Talk
  Sent: Friday, October 17, 2003 3:56 AM
  Subject: Re: OT: SQL Query

  Paul Giesenhagen said:
  > I have a number of reports all dated, but dated by day (no time).
  > Some of the reports are on the same day If I have an ID value, I
  > need to grab the report before and the report after that ID and it
  > needs to be by date.
  > Here is what the data looks like:
  > ReportID  |  ReportDate  |  Report |
  > 1            9/10/2003
  > 2            9/11/2003
  > 3            9/11/2003
  > 4            9/11/2003
  > 5            9/12/2003
  > 8            9/12/2003
  > 9            9/14/2003
  > 11            10/01/2003 etc..
  > If I am looking at ReportID (5), then I want to know that reportID 4
  > is previous and reportID 8 is next
  > So my output should be
  > Previous = 4
  > This >   > Next = 8
  > Oh, and I need to know if previous is Nothing or Next is nothing (ie
  > there isn't anymore eitherway).

  It won't be evry fast, but should be acceptable if the dataset isn't
  too large. The preliminary resultsets need to be limited to one row,
  the code for that is between square brackets (database dependent).

  SELECT [TOP 1] *
  FROM table
  WHERE ReportDate > (SELECT ReportDate FROM table WHERE ID = 5)
  ORDER BY ReportDate, ID
  [LIMIT 1]
  FROM table
  WHERE ID = 5)
  SELECT [TOP 1] *
  FROM table
  WHERE ReportDate < (SELECT ReportDate FROM table WHERE ID = 5)
  [LIMIT 1]
  ORDER BY ReportDate


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