We have a system where a user can upload files, then later access these
files (with security) through a CFContent call.  We set the mime types for
most of the common files (images, documents, spreadsheets, etc.), and the
browser handles the files accordingly (opens the appropriate plug-in if it's
available).  Recently we have had a request to handle Autocad files.  I've
changed my code to specifically recognize dxf, dwg, and dwf, and set the
mime types accordingly.  However, even with this, the browser is not
recognizing the mime type and firing the plugin.  If I link to the file in
question directly, the plugin get's fired.  I've tried "drawing/x-dwf",
"image/x-dwf", and "image/vnd.dwf" (though I didn't expect this one to work
- I don't think this is a valid mime type).

Does anyone have any suggestions on which mime type I need to specify?  Or
maybe another way to get the plugin to fire?  Thanks in adavance.

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