Hi Kym,

Contact me offlist if you still require a tag of this capability. We have
similar CFX tag that is ripping fast. You pass the file, lineNumber and
numberOfLines to it, the result returned in a variable.

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Kym Kovan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 10:51
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: A Lonely CFX - CFX_FileReadLn

  Hi all.

  We had a need to read large text files in blocks of lines and so went
looking for a suitable custom tag to do the base work for us. There are a
few that read CSV files and convert them to queries but our files are pure
text so they were unsuitable. Min's ReadLine does a great job but only one
line at a time, not too good when you want to read a thousand line in one
batch :-)

  We then found CFX_FileReadLn which is perfect, you can specify a start
line and the number of lines to read and it returns the result in a query,
just right for our needs :-)

  Unfortunately the tag is not freeware and we can't seem to be able to pay
for it! The URL to its owner's website, http://www.liveye.com/cfx/, doesn't
exist any more and we have failed to contact the creator by email.

  Does anyone know of the creator's or have other, working, contact details?




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