Thanks Mark for your explaination and yes that makes sense. I will try to get the asp session variable value from one of three ways your suggested (form,url,cookie).

Many Thanks

>Sorry.... If you question is "can I read ASP sessions" the answer is
>no.  You cannot get "sessions" in Cold Fusion
>without the <cfapplication> tag (sessionmanagement="YES").  so... if
>you are trying to pass a session variable to CF
>from an ASP page it will have to be done using post or get (url or
>form or possibly cookie variables).  If you are
>rewriting the whole thing, then start with the <Cfapplication> tag and
>build a session scope with the variables you need
>(like user.supportuser). Does this help?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: ColdFusion Programmer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 9:48 AM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: Re:CFHTTP Question!
>Can somebody please advise me what to do?
>>I took your advise Stephen and copied the contents of the include
>>into a new file and saved it as a coldfusion file. I am using
>>cfinclude to call this file. There is a "if" condition in the
>>file which is in asp.
>>if session("user.supportuser") = "TRUE" then
>>Do Something
>>end if
>>I am trying to re-write this in coldfusion but I don't know how to
>>it. It is probably a silly question, but can ColdFusion read an asp
>>session variable? I have tried to dump the session scope but get an
>>error. I don't have a application.cfm file. If I can get this
>>then my problem is solved.
>>Stephen Moritti's post
>>As a side thought....
>>If that menu.asp is actually just a bunch of html with no asp code
>>there, the you could just use <cfinclude> to drag it into your cf
>>Or you could bin that asp junk altogether and.....  ~joking~
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