Just thinking out loud ...

Is there a reason you're not passing the tripDate
of the report you are viewing as the variable, rather
than the reportID (assuming that since you are able
to retrieve the ID, you are also able to retrieve
the date ... )

The query to get the previous/next could then
look something like the following:

SELECT reportID,tripDate
FROM beaverReports
    tripDate > #variables.thisDate#
    OR tripDate < #variables.thisDate#
    OR tripDate = #variables.thisDate#
ORDER BY tripDate;

Add whatever limit you wish, and that should work ...
Just a thought, and not a deeply contemplated one at that =0)

Anyway, in answer to your initial question, it looks like there is a  paren
problem ...

Try this:

    SELECT TOP 1 reportID
    FROM beaverReports
    WHERE tripDate >
       SELECT tripDate FROM beaverReports
       WHERE reportID = #variables.thisReport#

    FROM beaverReports
    WHERE reportID = #variables.thisReport#
FROM beaverReports
WHERE tripDate <
    SELECT tripDate FROM beaverReports
    WHERE reportID = #variables.thisReport#
'There was an additional paren here, i removed it
' from this, rather than above, not sure which you
' want to keep

ORDER BY tripDate

Jason Ross

> On Fri, 17 Oct 2003, Paul Giesenhagen wrote:
> (
>  SELECT TOP 1 reportID
>  FROM beaverReports
>  WHERE tripDate >
>   (SELECT tripDate FROM beaverReports WHERE reportID =
>  SELECT reportID
>  FROM beaverReports
>  WHERE reportID = #variables.thisReport#)
>  SELECT TOP 1 reportID
>  FROM beaverReports
>  WHERE tripDate <
>   (SELECT tripDate FROM beaverReports WHERE reportID =
> )
> ORDER BY tripDate
> ODBC Error Code = 37000 (Syntax error or access violation)
> [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 7: Incorrect syntax
near ')'.
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