One of the guys here came up with a hack to do this.  Wrap an Evaluate
around the expression, and that seemed to work for us in a similar
situation.  We'll not sure if this is clean ColdFusion or not, but it seems
to get the job done.

Here is a sample:

<cfset tempvar='full_name_'&'#PersonsAttending)#'>

<cfset tempcomment='#Evaluate("#tempvar#")#'>

Now tempcomment contains the value that full_name_3 from the previous page
did.  Assuming PersonsAttending is 3.

Dana Larose
Software Engineer
Canadian Web Design & Consulting Inc.

A: 701-281 McDermot Avenue (McDermot & King)
P: 204-946-5155
C: 204-228-0477
F: 204-946-5156

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Sinclair [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, July 31, 2000 3:28 PM
> Subject: <CFLOOP>'ing FORM Field Names Problem
> I've got a form that is dynamically created based on how many people are
> being registered for an event. For example, if a person wants to
> register 4
> people, I use <CFLOOP> to create a form with fields for the entry of 4
> peoples' names. I.e.:
> <html>
> Person 1: <input type="text" name="full_name">
> <cfif PersonsAttending GT 1>
> <cfset loopnumber = (#URL.PersonsAttending# - 1)>
> <cfloop index="PersonsAttending"
>         from="1"
>         to="#loopnumber#"
>         step="1">
> Next Person: <input type="text" name="full_name_#PersonsAttending#">
> </cfloop>
> </cfif>
> </html>
> The effect of this is that the name of the form fields changes during each
> step of the loop, such as:
> full_name_1 (where the index of "PersonsAttending" is 1)
> full_name_2 (where the index of "PersonsAttending" is 2)
> full_name_3 (where the index of "PersonsAttending" is 3)
> and so on.
> This works fine. But I'm having trouble in the template that receives the
> information. I want to <CFMAIL> the registration info out. I can get the
> first person's info fine, but for the fields where the field name has been
> incremented during looping, I can't figure out how to capture the fields.
> The <cfmail> looks something like this:
> <html>
> <cfmail to="me" from="you" subject="Registration">
> Registration Received for:
> #FORM.Full_Name#
> <cfif PersonsAttending GT 1>
> Other People Registered:
> <cfset loopnumber = (#URL.PersonsAttending# - 1)>
> <cfloop index="PersonsAttending" from="1" to="#loopnumber#" step="1">
> #FORM.Full_Name#_#PersonsAttending#
>                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> </cfmail>
> </html>
> I've put "up carets" (^) under the spot where I'm having trouble. What I
> need to do is concatenate "_#PersonsAttending#" to
> #FORM.Full_Name#, but it
> has to be inside the # signs. I can't figure out how to do it. I've tried
> several variations and also tried using <cfset>. Nothing seems to work.
> How do I get it so that the field from which the information is drawn gets
> incremented up with each loop? In the case where 4 people are
> registered, I
> need to get it so that the <cfloop> portion winds up with loops for:
> #FORM.Full_Name_1#
> #FORM.Full_Name_2#
> #FORM.Full_Name_3#
> I can't figure out how to get the FORM field's name changed using the
> <cfloop>. I'm sure it's something simple. But right now it is escaping me.
> Thanks for taking a look at this for me.
> Paul Sinclair
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