Bonnie wrote:
>you need to escape the apostrophes with
><cfset vexperience=Replace(#strEXPERIENCE#, "'", "''", "ALL")>
>then insert the new field into the query string.  I've been fighting this
>problem for 6 months and this is the solution that seems to work best.
>Preservesinglequotes doesn't work in this instance.
>Hope this solves your problem


This depends on your database. This technique doesn't work with SQL server
7. My suggestion is to
use a stored procedure with cfstoredproc. It takes care of the problem.

There is a definate bug in the way that CF handles apostrophes.
For example, in VBScript, if you want to insert data into SQL 7 that has an
in it, you simply change the variable to:

varName = Replace(varname, "'", "''")

The first apostrophe escapes the second one and it is entered correctly into
the database.

Try it in CF and it blows up.

<cfset varUnSafeAtAnySpeed = Replace("O'Reilly", "'", "''")>

<cfquery name="test" datasource="#application.datasource#" dbtype="ODBC">
<!--- this blows up SQL --->
        INSERT INTO TEST (Name, Id) VALUES ('#varUnSafeAtAnySpeed#', 123)
</cfquery> let's try another tact. We'll look to see if there is an apostrophe,
then insert one after it.

<cfset iAphostropheLocation = FindOneOf("'",>
<cfif iAphostropheLocation GT 0>
        <cfset varSQLSafeName = Insert("'",, iAphostropheLocation)>

<cfquery name="test" datasource="#application.datasource#" dbtype="ODBC">
<!--- This doesn't blow it up, but it prints out the wrong thing
(O''Reilly) --->
        INSERT INTO TEST (Name, Id) VALUES ('#varSQLSafeName#', 123)

This doesn't blow it up, but it prints out wrong.

Ok, let's hard code it into the query and see what happens.

<cfquery name="test" datasource="#application.datasource#" dbtype="ODBC">
<!--- This query doesn't blow it up and prints out the right thing (O'Reilly
Hard-Code) --->
        INSERT INTO TEST (Name, Id) VALUES ('O''Reilly Hard-Code', 123)

<cfquery name="test_results" datasource="#application.datasource#"
        SELECT * FROM TEST Id WHERE Id = 123 ORDER BY CreateDate

This finally enters the correct data into the database and it displays

But is it a bug in CF?

Cut and paste the following into a new template and test it out for

<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="Yes">
'Brian W. Zaleski - 415.265-2717 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
'Created:                               7/31/00
'Purpose:                               Test out the bug in ColdFusion
'Required attributes:
'Optional attributes:
'Related files:
<cfparam name="attributes.SQL_type" default="">
<cfparam name="attributes.table_name" default="Test">
<cfparam name="attributes.update_string" default="insert">

<!--- build the SQL statment --->
<cfif isdefined('form.fieldnames')>

        <!--- Start the statements --->
        <cfswitch expression="#attributes.SQL_type#">
                <cfcase value="space">
                        <cfset attributes.update_string = """ VALUES (""">
                        <CFSET attributes.note = " Note: Leading space
                        <CFSET ValuesFormSQL = " VALUES (">
                <cfcase value="spice">
                        <cfset attributes.update_string = """VALUES (""">
                        <CFSET attributes.note = " Note: No leading space">
                        <CFSET ValuesFormSQL = "VALUES (">

        <!--- Loop throught the form elements --->
        <cfloop index="form_element" list="#form.fieldnames#">
                <CFIF ((Right(form.fieldnames, 2) NEQ ".x") AND
(Right(form.fieldnames, 2) NEQ ".y"))>
                <!--- Eliminate input type=image tags from the SQL --->
                        <CFIF IsNumeric(form.fieldnames)>
                        <!--- Build the query --->
                                <CFSET ValuesFormSQL = ValuesFormSQL &
evaluate("form." & form_element) & ", ">
                                <CFSET ValuesFormSQL = ValuesFormSQL & "'" &
evaluate("form." & form_element) & "', ">

        <!--- figger out how long the statements are --->
        <cfset iValuesFormSQLLength = (Len(Trim(ValuesFormSQL)) - 1)>
        <cfset BeforeMidValuesFormSQL = ValuesFormSQL>

        <!--- remove the trailing commas --->
        <CFSET ValuesFormSQL = Mid(ValuesFormSQL, 1, iValuesFormSQLLength)>


<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="NO">

<br>Use this form to demonstrate the bug with the apostrophe's in CF

<br>I found it while building a custom tag that makes insert queries.
<br>I made a similar function in ASP this weekend and copied it to CF.
<br>That's why I identified the bug. Thank Microshaft.....
<br>1) Start by building the two strings that you need for an update
<br>2) Grab the values from the form and get the form elements
<br>3) Set the update statement
<br>4) Update sting:
<br>5) Normally what we would do is to loop through the elements and add
them to a list.
<br>However, since I first wrote this in ASP I didn't have that luxury. I
did it the ASP way.
<br>6) You figger out how long the string is, then cut off the last comma.
<br>7) Length of the trimmed string:
<br>8) String before cutting off the last comma:
<br>9) String after cutting off the last comma:

<form action="test_form_input.cfm" method="post" name="form1" id="form1">
<input type="text" name="test1">
<input type="text" name="test2">
<SELECT name="SQL_type">
        <option value="space">Insert - With space</option>
        <option value="spice">Insert - No Space</option>
<input type="submit" value="Test">



Brian W. Zaleski, DC, MS
Media Application Developer
1700 California Suite 260
San Francisco, CA. 94109
Ph. 415.437.3900
Fax 415.437.3904
Cell 415.265.2717

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