What's the business process of how ordering is supposed to work? When a
person orders something through the web interface is it supposed to notify
somebody at the company that an order was placed? If so, then AFAIK there is
going to have to be a server-side something. A client-side only solution is
only going to notify the client. So while it may technically be possible to
pass the variables and read them, what good are they? Unless you are just
having them print out a completed order form and snail-mail it or something?

Or maybe I'm missing something?


----- Original Message -----
From: "ColdFusion Programmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 10:40 AM
Subject: Re:Hidden variables and passing data from one page to another

> yes that's correct, I am not using ColdFusion to do this, I have been
asked to do this in html and _javascript_. Is it possible to do pass hidden
form variables from one page to another using html and _javascript_? Are there
any other ways to do this?
> >On Thursday 23 Oct 2003 16:24 pm, Allan Clarke wrote:
> >>To: CF-Talk
> >> I am not using any server side
> >> language, only _javascript_ and html.
> >
> >Ermm... ?
> >
> >--
> >Tom Chiverton
> >Advanced ColdFusion Programmer
> >
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