Fail-over and load balancing are two different beasts in my mind.

Currently we've got a load balancer (set to sticky sessions) in front of
an Apache cluster (2) which each have the JRun connector installed. Each
request is routed to a JRun instance in round-robin fashion (default).
While this works, I'd probably like to move towards adding a load
balancer in front of the Jrun cluster. We're using Alteon switches which
can monitor the actual 'health' of a server and route each request
accordingly. That would prob yield a more efficient distribution across
the cluster.

Guess there are many ways to skin a cat. ;-)



From: Matthew Fusfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: October 24, 2003 1:34 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFMX and ClusterCATS?

We played around with is on the CFMX CD (I think) and
there is a download on Macromedia's site where you can get it.

We tested in on Windows 2003 Web Edition without anything "in front".
Worked pretty well, if we killed one server, the other would take over
with very little loss of traffic. (I think it may have confused our
switch somewhat which might account for the delay)


-----Original Message-----
From: cf-talk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 12:53 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CFMX and ClusterCATS?

Hi All,

Sorry for the repost... but I can't believe that nobody out
there has
any info...

Does anyone here have any experience with CFMX6.1 and
clustering? I'm
looking to load balance two T1 connections across 2-4 CFMX
boxes. But
before I go and recommend to my clients that this is the way to
go, I'd
like to play around with it a little myself.

The platform would be Windows 2000 or Windows 2003 and CFMX 6.1
Enterprise. From what I've read about ClusterCATS it's supposed
install with CFMX right? Is this also true for the trial
download of
CFMX (which is the Enterprise version)? I'd hate to have to
purchase a
full blown enterprise version just to test this all out.

As a side note... Windows 2003 has built in clustering which may
or may
not do what I need. Basically what I'm looking for is network
balancing (NLB) across 2-4 machines. If one machine fails (for
reason) I want it to go unnoticed by the customer.

Can someone out there point me in the right direction? I have
boxes I can use to set this up and test with... Just need a push
in the
right direction.




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