One thing to note when pricing these products is that Microsoft's site only
lists the suggested retail price. I just saw a site that listed the Internet
Connector for $1500. SQL Server itself (and its CAL packs) didn't have quite
the same price reduction.

-----Original Message-----
From: Philip Arnold - ASP [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2000 11:17 AM
Subject: RE: appropriate SQL 7 licensing for CF website

> >To run SQL Server legally on the internet, you NEED the Internet
> > Connection License - this is not a cheap thing.
> Nope.  Not so.  You only need as many CALs as you have
> simultaneous connections.  Of course, if you have a lot
> of connections, the Internet Connector is less expensive
> than CALs.

True, but since SQL Server and a 25 user license costs $3,999 and SQL Server
(with 5 user) costs $1,399 plus internet one costs $2,999 (total cost of
$4,398), then you'd have to NEVER have over (roughly) 27 concurrent users
on-line, in which case, you're VERY light on load, so is SQL Server really

Since Access 2000 handles light loads quite easily (better than Access 97
anyways), then  with that load level, you could use that and save yourself
thousands of dollars

Put it this way, we have one fair load site, and it hits about 30-40
concurrent quite often - as soon as you break the amount of users you've
bought, then you're breaking the agreement (and therefore the law), even if
it's only for a fraction of a second, it's still breaking your client level.

Here's the funny thing with their licensing;
SQL Server & 5 Client $1,399
20 Client Licenses $2,369
Total £3,768

SQL Server & 25 Client $3,999

WHY is the separate license version over $200 cheaper, and how stupid would
you have to be to buy the more expensive one? (that took me 5 seconds of
math to save me $231 - unless you get paid more than that, then it's worth
buying separates!)

Philip Arnold
ASP Multimedia Limited
T: +44 (0)20 8680 1133

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