WOrked like a charm thanks!  I am still kinda news at doing anything beyond
the simple query. 
WHen i look at what you did it makes total sense, just couldn't seem to get
the ole brain
to figure it out! :) 

> Looks like what you need to do is :
> SELECT SI_Categories.SI_Category_ID, SI_Categories.SI_Category_Name,
> SI_Items.SI_Item_ID,
>  SI_Items.SI_Item_Name
> FROM SI_Categories, SI_Items
> WHERE SI_Categories.SI_CategoryID = SI_Items.SI_Category_ID
> ORDER BY SI_Category_Name
> Then you need to do a nested CFOUTPUT using the GROUP attribute
> <cfoutput QUERY="YourQuery" group="SI_Category_Name">
>       <p>#SI_Catgeory_Name#<BR>
>       <cfoutput>
>       #SI_Item_Name#
>       </cfoutput>
> </cfoutput>
> This way you have one hit on the database, the database deals with the
> ordering of the data and you get your sets of categories with their items.
> Regards
> Stephen
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