If I'm understanding what you want to do, then you don't need to use
CFHTTP at all.  CFHTTP only retrieves the output of an HTTP request and
stores it in a variable (cfhttp.FileContent).  If you want, say, two
frames to actively show an FTP directory in your browser, you only need
to make a straight FTP call from your code.  You don't even need CF for
that, unless you want to, say, populate he username/password/FTP
location dynamically.

- Jim

Bushy wrote:

> Yes <cfftp work but I like the idea of being able to drag and drop
> folders/files from the IE browser when using <cfhttp
> I'm hoping to use frames so I can drag and drop files between frames
> on different servers.
> --Original Message Text---
> From: Jim Campbell
> Date: Tue, 04 Nov 2003 13:10:57 -0600
> Is there any reason CFFTP wouldn't work for you?  Does that fail as well?
> - Jim
> Bushy wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > If I do the following from within IE I can access the server and
> contents
> >
> > ftp://<username>:<password>@IPADDRESS/data
> >
> > But within my app I'm using the following and it doesn't work.
> > Keeps telling me "Connection Failure"?
> >
> > What am I doing wrong?
> >
> > <cfhttp url=""> > > method="get"
> > username="<username>"
> > password="<password>"
> > resolveurl="yes">
> >
> >
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