Hello All,

I've got a slideshow app,  using data from a DB I build a series of divs and
switch between them using JS and timeouts. (in a nutshell)
Everything works hunkey dorey except for one small problem with one of the

The page consists of a top blue bar (title and subtitle),  bottom blue bar
(generic contact info) and a middle area (content area - consisting of a
table and an image).
The top and middle areas change with each cycle of the loop but because the
page background is white I want to create a default top Div so that the
different content top divs can be transparent and the change over of div's
is smooth.

Basically I have tried setting the content top divs with
background:transparent; in the style and have played around with the z-index
but, no matter what I try the default top div (the big blue bar) covers up
all the content top Divs (blue bar with White and orange text)

Surely can't I setup something like:

<div id="defaultTop" style="background:darkblue;">

<div id="div1_txt" style="background:transparent;">

Therefore when I hide the div1_txt then make the next div visible the blue
bar will still be there.

Ignoring the height, width and position why wont this work,  why does the
default top cover all the other top divs?


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