Try aliasing your computed this

<cfquery name="qry_GetDocuments" datasource="yourDSN">
SELECT documentID, convert(nvarchar, documentName) as nuevonombre
FROM tbl_documentLibrary
<cfdump var="#qry_GetDocuments#">


-----Original Message-----
From: Bryan F. Hogan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 10:57 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CFMX 6.1 New Query Bug

Hey all, I have the following in a test case and what happens is that the "documentName" column is returned to me
"computed_column_2". It is not a cfdump problem because when I try, queryName.documentName CF returns "documentName" not
defined in query. Could someone verify that this is a bug and if so I will submit it as such.

Steps to recreate:

1. Create a simple table with documentID, and documentName columns. The documentID column should be an integer, primary key.
The documentName column should be a ntext field.

2. Run the following code in a test page.

<cfquery name="qry_GetDocuments" datasource="yourDSN">
SELECT documentID, convert(nvarchar, documentName)
FROM tbl_documentLibrary
<cfdump var="#qry_GetDocuments#">



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