I have a problem that doesn't make sense to me.


I have a query that pulls data about a photo (name, URL, ...).


Clicking on the thumbnail changes the "<option ..></option>" in a select box

<a href=""> > <img src="" width="37" height="58" border="0"

<script language="_javascript_" type="text/_javascript_">
function selectPhoto(which)
if (document.forms[0].getPhoto[0].checked)
document.forms[0].photo.selectedIndex = which;
document.forms[0].photo2.selectedIndex = which;

This all works nice-n-groovy except when I put a where clause in my CF
query!? But it works if I use a <CFIF> statement inside the <CFOUTPUT> such
as <CFIF photoType EQ "fashion">

So, I'm like all confused. I suppose it doesn't matter since only a few
people are working on this admin page it really doesn't affect things. None
the less there ought to be a rational explaination for this.

Gilbert Midonnet

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