I'm trying to export a XML file from a XML variable, and the following code
has worked for the last several weeks, but now is throwing the Dreaded NULL2

<cfxml variable="Export">some xml tags</cfxml>

...then, this throws an error:

<cfoutput><textarea cols="75" rows="30" style="width:

...but this does not:

<cfdump var="#Export#" label="Export"><cfabort>

...so, it must be the ToString() function.  I've searched through the rather
large variable for any misaligned or malfigured nodes, but everything looks
fine.  I've googled and searched mm.com for a bug, but can't find
anything...can anyone help me out?  The best I've got is to use
cfsavecontent instead, which I guess works...but I don't like it, cfxml
makes me think I'm doing something wrong and I want to get to the bottom of

Tyler Silcox

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