Hello Everyone:

I'm getting to the point where I really need to start considering a production server and versioning.

A little back ground first:  It's a one-man shop, with the possibility of added programmers, and the occasional boss dipping in to make a "quick fix".  Everything's Windows 2000 (soon to be 2003) based, with MS SQL server.  At this point, I have about 8 applications I'm working on simultaneously and need something to help sort things out.

Everything at this point is done on the live server, just in a "test" or "makeover" directory or virtual domain.  This has worked pretty well, BUT, I know I need to get something in place before we get someone else on board and the projects get even more out of control.

Any suggestions would be appreciated!



Scott Wilhelm
Computer Technician/Web Developer
http://www.sllboces.org <http://www.sllboces.org/>  /   <http://scott.sllboces.org/> http://scott.sllboces.org (digital desktop)

Canton (Mon/Tue)
St. Lawrence-Lewis BOCES
PO Box 231, 139 State Street Road
Canton, NY 13617
P.   315-386-4504 x 164
F.   315-386-3395

Heuvelton (Wed/Thu)
Heuvelton Central School
PO Box 375, 87 Washington Street
Heuvelton, NY 13654
P.   315-344-2414 x 3651

Massena (Fri)
Massena Central School
Massena, NY
P.   315-769-3700 x 3049<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

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