As I learn more abort stored procedures and robust constraints I am becoming
more confused about where business rules should be placed.  Here are what I
see as the pros and cons of various approaches and I'd appreciate all of your

1.  Constraints - Some business rules need to be placed in the database
constraints to ensure the quality of the database.  For example, every item in
the database containing items ordered need to be related to one and only one
order.  The question becomes how far to take this.  The advantage of putting
rules in constraints are that they need only be set up once for each table.
Also, once the table has been created, constraints provide the highest level
of protection against programmer error.  However, I see two potential
tradeoffs.  First, error reporting from constraint violations are not as "user
friendly" as what can be provided if captured at the stored proc or CFC level.
Second, only one error is identified at a time, so the
select/update/insert/delete would need to be executed once for each property
error in an object

2.  Stored Procs - If the CFC's are only allowed to access tables via Stored
Procs, then these provide most of the advantages of constraints with the
ability to validate all of the properties at once.  However, based off of the
advice of many in this forum, I have switched to Using CFTrys and Throws to
pass all errors from business objects layer to the presentation layer(sidebar:
this has had wonderful effects on the size and clarity of my code.  Thanks!).
If I continue this approach to pass errors from data layer to the business
objects layer, I don't see how I can pass multiple errors up with a single
exception throw.  I guess I could build one large message with <br>, etc....
Question:  is there a significant difference in performance from a rule such
as Date <= Today being checked in Stored Proc vs. Constraint?

3. CFC Layer -- This approach gives me the most control in that each set
method can throw a specific error about the associated property and the write
method can validate any cross property rules.  However, this forces an
additional layer of calls(setBillToAddress on an order would need to execute a
method in the address class which would call the appropriate stored proc
versus setBillToAddress calling the stored proc directly), adversely impacting


If this is the case, it seems to me that the best architecture decision would
be to use database constraints for those rules that are required to maintain
DB integrity (e.g. primary and foreign key rules) and place most of the rest
inside of stored procs.  A few rules would still end up in the CFC layer that
either make the code clearer by moving up or make a significant performance
improvement by doing so.

What are your thoughts on this?


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