Assuming that you are not using the J2EE version of CF....

i think you would need to setclientcookies="yes" (you would need setdomaincookies if over subdomains)

if you don't set a client cookie then how is the web server going to remember state (unless you pass the cfid and cftoken with every request) which I don't think you will be.

That means every request you make, because you have not let the application set a cookie, will think it is a new session as a cookie for a previous session doesn't exists.....


-----Original Message-----
From: Hassan Arteaga Rodríguez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 13 November 2003 16:31
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Session Variables....

hi all !!

I'm trying to check in every page on my site findout if the user is authenticated helped with Application.cfm page..
But always every page redirect me to GotoLogin.cfm even when i force to write in session variable the value session.auth="1".
I have 3 pages for Login process, GotoLogin.cfm, ProcessLogin.cfm and IsOkLogin.cfm

<!--- Application page  --->

<cfapplication name="Checker" clientmanagement="no" sessionmanagement="yes" setclientcookies="no" setdomaincookies="no">
<cfif Find("login",lcase(CGI.SCRIPT_NAME)) EQ 0>
  <cflock scope="Session"
   timeout="10" type ="Exclusive">
   <cfif not IsDefined("session.auth")>
    <cfset session.auth = "0">
    <cflocation url="" addtoken="no">
    <cfif session.auth EQ "1">
     <cfoutput>U Are OK !!!</cfoutput>
     <cflocation url="" addtoken="no">


Now I made test with one simple App page
And the result in every page is Hits:1

Thanks !!

<cfapplication name="Checker" sessionmanagement="yes" setclientcookies="no" setdomaincookies="no">
  <cflock scope="Session" timeout="10" type ="Exclusive">
   <cfif not IsDefined("session.hits")>
    <cfset session.hits =1>
    <cfset session.hits =session.hits+1>

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