Ok, here I go again...

I have the following directory structure....

Main_Site_Folder (www.abc.com <http://www.abc.com/> ) IP Address
            Site_A (www.def.com <http://www.def.com/> ) IP Address
            Site_B (www.ghi.com <http://www.ghi.com/> ) IP Address
            Site_C (www.jui.com <http://www.jui.com/> ) IP Address

Ok, so when you go to www.abc.com <http://www.abc.com/>  ( you see
a screen where you can pick from the 3 sites. If you type in www.def.com
<http://www.def.com/>  or any others directly it takes you to abc.com which
then uses the redirect.cfm to push you to the correct folder.

However, I want a global cart that can essentially see the other carts. That
way if you go from Store_A to Store_B you still see Store_A's cart contents
while at Store_B. Right now the cart stores it's data in a Client.cart
variable located in the Cart.cfm. The only real difference is that eash of
the Sites passes the Site ID to the cart when adding items.

Now, I know I can make the cart.cfm a module and pass the Site ID to it and
place it in the root but is there a way to make the sessions see each other?


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