Our ColdFusion 5 server has been restarting once per day because it is set to "Restart when requests terminate abnormally." I tracked down the error to the MSXML COM object, which behaves similar to CFHTTP. Occasionally, when it does not receive a response from the server it is calling, it throws an error that triggers a ColdFusion restart. The specific COM object being used is "Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.4.0" and the specific function is "send(xml)."

When I turn off the ColdFusion restarting feature, the error that displays on the screen is: "unknown exception condition-unknown error while executing a tag."

Using try/catch blocks to catch "Any" exception does not catch the error. The request error handler seems to pick it up, but the request error handler is not the ideal place to recover from this type of error.

Is there a better way to trap this COM object error?

Thank you,
Mike Chabot
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