> I am reverting back to access for the first time in like 5
> years.

I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but this is one of my pet
peeves - you don't "revert back", you just "revert", the fact that you're
going backwards is implicit. Sorry, but I couldn't help myself. Now, on to
your question!

> Anyway, the file is in Access 97 format. I am running MACR
> CF 6.1.
> I can create a DSN connection through ODBC at the system
> level (on the NT Server). When I go into MX 6.1 to create the
> ODBC Socket connection I get a "opened exclusively by another
> user, or you need permission to view its data".
> I do not have the Access mdb open at this time in Access and
> don't see a record locking file on the server for it either
> where the original mdb is located.
> To note, this is also a mapped drive. The actual access file
> does not reside on the MX box in question.

Does the user account used by the CFMX service understand the mapping, or
even have rights to the remote share? By default, CFMX (and previous
versions as well) run as SYSTEM, which has no rights to network resources.
You'd have to run CF as a specific user with rights to the remote share, and
if you wanted to use a mapping (instead of just accessing the share via a
UNC path) you'd have to create the mapping while logged on with that user
account, or you'd have to create a mapping that all accounts can see by
doing so while logged in as a domain administrator. I'm a little hazy on
that last part, actually, because it's been a while since I've wanted to do

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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