> I am looking at connecting to crystal reports 9.0 with Coldfusion MX 6.1,
> am having trouble converting some ASP code across to coldfusion and would
> like some examples or resource info on the component use in CF MX 6.1.

well i'm actually researching this now (using RAS 9.2). i've not been able
to get cf to work properly with the activeX clientside, i _think_ the
component is pulling stuff from asp sessions & so never the twain shall
meet. i haven't tried porting the asp stuff to cf yet.

i have had better much luck using the java connector, rendering the reports
only took a handful of lines & i could control a whole big chunk of the
process. can also easily move this to a CFC. the only fly in the ointment
being the loss of export/print functionality in the veiwer (even though the
java viewer reports these as both being "on"). still working thru this
(fallback would be seperate export to pdf CFC)--with mx i think the java
connector might be a better choice than the COM one.

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